occupation:self employed property developer
years collecting:7 ish,skyways +mid '90s hoffmans
interests:fiddiling with my bikes,riding a bit of flatland,football
dislikes:freestyle bikes without at least a pottsmod front brake ,even when a hollow stem bolt fitted

+with comp3 type tyres on
fav bmx:has to be a TA
fav brand:skyway
pic of me +the misses on hols last year

all my are riders -but skyways are just rolled about on in summer

my jap TA that i've had since bitd .frame no.k002164 curved brake bridge -been a few different colours over time,now a classic white

'86 street beat,tried to build as the uk skyway teams used

'88 street beat 2 ,my personal fav

big daddy mk1-my all grey coloured current flat bike at the mo ,set up with 1inch threadless fork/stem

big daddy mk2 set up again with a threadless fork/stem combo, so it can be ridden

2000 ep my misses rides ,as she's only 5ft 2 she needs a short frame