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Author Topic: MRD built 4 MK10 just thought peeps might wanna know b4 MK11 its story  (Read 39529 times)

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Offline markyp

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holy sh*t steve!!gutted for you,what the fook were they thinking???after the fook up on the chrome with my t.a i can really sympathise with you.its a bloody lotttery these days when you take something to the chromers it seems.even compensation aint gonna make it better ,its not like you can go to the shop and buy another one is it,tossers!!! :tickedoff:
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 :wtf:  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: this isnt even my frame and its pissed me off!

Offline bobafett

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Fookin disgrace that Steve  :(

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Offline MartyC

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Actually Steve, the more I keep looking at the pics the angrier I am getting, I can imagine you're pretty angry yourself.  I wonder if there is anything that maybe Phil (Sawzall) or Fuzzynods mate (the drag car build that repaired Romblerks Dave Curry Haro) could do to repair it?

I'm really feeling for you at the moment, this sort of thing is just not fair  >:(.

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that sucks,totally feel for you. It would be the same as taking your car to a garage and them denting or scratching it. The first thing you'd demand is that they fix the damage. i think the same applies in this case. good luck.

Offline markyp

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Actually Steve, the more I keep looking at the pics the angrier I am getting, I can imagine you're pretty angry yourself.  I wonder if there is anything that maybe Phil (Sawzall) or Fuzzynods mate (the drag car build that repaired Romblerks Dave Curry Haro) could do to repair it?

I'm really feeling for you at the moment, this sort of thing is just not fair  >:(.
x2 with bells on :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
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Re: Latest member of the MRD collection !!!!
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2010, 04:28 PM »
nice score steve,no wonder i can never find a pro you have them all ;D

yeah was thinking that as well
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Cheers 4 the replies fellas  8) think I am going 2 go back next week and sort it out one way or another  :knuppel2:

Offline oldtired

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FOOKIN NUMPTYS  , surely at some point one of the blokes in charge of the shop must of realised that the tit working on the "OLD BIKE FRAME" was actually making it worse , bet they gave it to the baseball cap wearing idiot apprentice , whacking it with a big hammer in time to bass playing on the fookin ipod welded to his thick fookin head, :tickedoff:  :tickedoff:,  its just annoying that there's an lacks attitude and no pride in some industries these days.    on a lighter note  :LolLolLolLol: was talking to an old mate of mine the other week him and some of his mates were sponserd by MRD bitd , they all got Badlanders supplied foc


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Feel sorry for you Fella...sure you will have her back on her feet in no time  :coolsmiley:


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you need...........................sawzall

Offline fischflo

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How do you fix the flattend stays? Get it fixed by whoever can do it and give that monster of chromer the bill, bloody hell!

Offline wildon

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Hey Steve, did you take it to howels in Walsall? They fooked a couple of my bits up last time too  >:(

Offline jT Racing

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you want 2 take it back and ask 4 compensation.
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Really sorry for you Steve.

Popped to see Phil this morning and he was telling me about it - couldn't bloody believe it when I saw the pics.

What is wrong with these people?! Great platers or not, going to think twice about giving them more work surely....

Hope you get it sorted dude



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gutted for you steve ,,,i know you like a resto  :'(,but these cnuts want fookin ,as said the idiot who did this must be totally brain dead  :crazy2:

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Right went 2 sort this out with the cnuts 2 day . Spoke 2 the guy Graham who always sorts me out  ;) He was very forth coming and said somebody had not followed strict instructions and had taken it upon themselves whilst stripping the chrome 2 try 2 get the post out  :uglystupid2: He was gob smacked at the extent of the damage and more than apologetic . He offered 2 pay the whole cost of the repair  :daumenhoch: I then used this offer as a brokering deal as I will do the repairs myself or get somebody I trust, like Phil (SAWZALL) 2 help . He has agreed 2 chrome 2 sets of bars and a seatpost in compensation  ;) Which I am more than happy with  8) I am still not happy with the state of my frame but at least I will not b out of pocket now  ???

Thanks 4 all the supportive comments in my hour of need  :daumenhoch: Good buddies  8)  8)  8)

Offline markyp

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guess thats better than a kick in the nads but that poor mrd,think if it were me id still be in  a state of shock,guess it kind of compensates,at least its cheered you up a bit steve,its when things like this happen it makes you wonder if its all worth the hassle. :crazy2:
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I'd want to meet that 'somebody'  :knuppel2:

glad you managed to get to a vaguely happy place with this...  :daumenhoch:
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas

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Offline fischflo

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yea, glad you're confident about the repair situation. I wouldn't know what to do-- perhaps take the frame apart, stick something in the dented tubes and widen or somheow 'work it' with the hammer lol. Probably would look worse afterwards  ;D


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Glad you got a deal you're happy with :daumenhoch:
Must be nice to have the skills to save the bills.

Is it just me that can't see the x-rated pics? :D
Somebody help a brother out.

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Glad you are getting some sort of resolve from the chromers.  :'(  Good luck with the repairs :daumenhoch:

Offline oldtired

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nice one if your happy then its a result  :daumenhoch:   keep us posted with the repair to the frame  :daumenhoch:

Offline fischflo

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Is it just me that can't see the x-rated pics? :D

heh? Incase you mean the wrecked-frame pics, here (not for the faint of heart, though!):                                                   :'(:-*


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Why, why did you show me :'( :'(
Now I'm going to have to press the button:

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