I managed to track down my mate I used to ride with BITD to see if he still had his DP.
( I had a pink GL and his was green with ladder bars and great parts... )
He was pretty shocked to be talking to me after 25 years and we had a great chat on the old days which he thought a bit weird as he had only been taking about our 'Fresh Freestyle Crew' at the weekend. He found the idea of the RAD forum and grown men on kids bikes very amusing

I got round to popping the question on his ride and he said he had kept it at his Mum & Dads and meant to go and pick it up a couple of years back when they moved house. It had been put down the side of the house for him to get but when he eventually got round its was...gone

ARSE... would have loved to have prized it out of his hands

On the plus side though he was sure he still had a pile of pics of us from the demos we did and the trips to Wicksteed Park which I'm hoping to see as all mine were lost in the winds of time... he even said he might have some video... how excited was I

He also said he had bumped into another guy from the team... and said he would give him a shout to see if he had anything left fromt he old days. He had a Ltd Ed GL so the old heart got pumping again!!!

I reminded him of when we called in to see my grandad on the way back from Wicksteed and my grandad called him a "freckle faced little bastard"....

... old people... you have to love them.
So pics will be up here soon as I can get em