Name: Steve
Occupation: Creative
Years Collecting: 3/4
Interests: Bicycles, Motorsport, my 944 project, Photography, Surfing, OS
Dislikes: Celebrities and overpaid primadonna sportsmen
Favourite BMX: BITD a custom '84 Kuwahara Nova and blue '87 GT Pro Series
Favourite Old School BMX Brand: Kuwahara
My Bikes from the 80's'82 First BMX - pos Invader

'83 Kuwahara Nova framed KZ (that's how it was bought - currently being replicated)

'84 Kuwahara Nova (currently being replicated)

'85 Kuwahara Nova custom (my fave bike from BITD - currently being replicated)

'86 March Racing Pro (raced & ramped)

'86 Hutch Pro Racer (only owned for a few months then traded it for a GT Pro)

'87 GT Pro Series
Hobby Bikes in order of accumulation (& disposal LOL)My first OS F&F found hanging on a wall in a bike shop - should've kept it really...

Never had a Haro BITD but always loved the look of em - built and raced this at MK08 winning Novice class

My first "show" bike - an mint '88 GT Pro Series that won 2009 Mid School BOTY

Semi NS GT Mach One I bought for my boy to ride at MK08

'94 GT Pro Series Team - bought & built to race OS but didn't realise caliper brakes were a sold

'88 GT Pro Series

'92 Kuwahara Champion - raced once in OSS last year, beautifully made in USA

'92 GT Vertigo - bought and restored for Old Fools Road Trip but then found no-one was riding OS bikes LOL
Replica Builds on the go:My KZ Nova replica project nearing completion

'84 Kuwahara Nova - donor bike for my blue Nova replica

'85 Kuwahara Bravo frameset - will be a tribute to my fave bike from bitd
NS Race bikesKuwahara of course

Mile Muncher

I love bikes - they put a smile on my face.