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RADBMX.CO.UK  |  BMX General  |  BMX Chat  |  UCI BMX SUPERCROSS - MADRID - MARCH 26&27 2010.... anyone fancy going?

Author Topic: UCI BMX SUPERCROSS - MADRID - MARCH 26&27 2010.... anyone fancy going?  (Read 347 times)

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Been looking at flights out to Madrid for the UCI BMX Supercross race in March

EASYJET flights from Luton on Friday, leave (or Saturday) 06.55 am - Sunday, return to Luton at 11.20pm are £95.00

Hotel not yet sourced.

If you you fancy going let me know  ;)

« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 11:14 PM by baldbmxer »

RADBMX.CO.UK  |  BMX General  |  BMX Chat  |  UCI BMX SUPERCROSS - MADRID - MARCH 26&27 2010.... anyone fancy going?

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