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Best memories of BMX BITD
« on: January 12, 2010, 11:27 AM »
Hard to remember back now really, but I remember certain parts while doing it and they have always stuck in my mind and still get me excited... sad ain't I  :LolLolLolLol: not in any order but things like...

* Pulled my first kick turn
* Pulled a 360 kick turn
* Got my 1st set of white mushroom grips  :smitten:
* Pulled my 1st handlebar handstand (can't remember name of trick but can still do it)
* Pulled my 1st cherry picker without seriously stacking it
* Watching eddie fiola etc.. on Wackaday and being in love with that GT of his and that black/white outfit!
* Seeing my 1st White Haro Master, the 1985, my fave bike of all time with Bob Haro in an interview and thinking i'll own one of them one day
* Kelloggs and sitting next door at neighbours glued to the TV, still like that nowadays with x-games!
* Seeing the film ET and the chase scene and thinking it was the best thing ever
* Got my 1st air out of Rom, and it scared the life outta me but was a rush
* Pulled my 1st proper roll back and was going pretty fast and ended it with a transition into another trick, was very happy with myself
* Skyways, seeing them on a chrome TA as a kid, I was hooked and begged my old man for a pair
* Got a set of CW bars which many hated but I loved them on my freestyle bikes, done the trick for me, certainly for balancing tricks
* Competed in a few comps, done ok and mum and dad was really proud as punch!
* Watching several competitions when really young, plus a cracker including Zach Shaw performing old schooltricks in the mid-90's at sawston hall, cambridge and everyone went mental for it
* Getting my 1st bmx, Night Burner... yep I was a burner boy at 1st  :D

Can't remember anymore but that stuff still makes me feel like a kid, happy days  :smitten:

So what are you best BMX memories?

Matt  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2010, 11:31 AM »
being out on my bike no matter what the weather having a great time with my mates

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 11:38 AM »
I remember racing wardy on his raleigh burner but his feet were that big 10's that his toes kept scraping the floor  :LolLolLolLol:
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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 11:45 AM »
blimey matt - your missus still makes you go next door to watch X Games... Man up...  :shocked: :2funny:

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2010, 11:48 AM »
I remember racing wardy on his raleigh burner but his feet were that big 10's that his toes kept scraping the floor  :LolLolLolLol:

and you had 100 psi in ya tyres due to your liking of eclairs :LolLolLolLol: first bunny hop , building ramp's in the street and swapping a r/c car for an original spec 83 nora cup , first thing i done to that was stick skyways on and threw the blue padset away :'(

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2010, 11:52 AM »
blimey matt - your missus still makes you go next door to watch X Games... Man up...  :shocked: :2funny:

FPMSL  ;D silly arse... no in fact she gets sent out shopping   :-X :D


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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2010, 12:04 PM »
 :) Seeing TC and Matt Bain sprinting across Harrow skatepark and airing over the fence out of the snake run..


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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2010, 12:12 PM »
Funny this thread Matt, i have just come off the phone with another member on here, we were talking about this same subject  :shocked:

My main memorys are riding up to Tunstal on my Aero Burner to ride what is now Naisbury Park, Phils bmx shop and the White Skyway T.A that was hung up the first in line of maybe 20 bikes on a rack and going down stairs in there and seeing all the Mushrooms and pedals, it was some shop B.I.T.D.Clearing the doubles on Phils track for the first time, the ones just after the first berm. But my outstanding memory or bike was my mates Brothers Torker 280x, chrome with yellow parts.....its that clear in my mind its like someones resto today, would love to have one  :smitten:
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 03:16 PM by DB250F »

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2010, 12:24 PM »
being out on my bike no matter what the weather having a great time with my mates

that's pretty much it right there!

but i alsways remember:

1. the day i got my 1 and only BMX for christmas
2. my mates blue and yellow Tuff burner
3. my mates lovely white DP Freestyler
4. Bowes Lion skate park in Stevenage and seeing Mason ride on his Gen 1
5. riding miles to Knebworth skate park and sneaking in round the back  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2010, 12:26 PM »
being out on my bike no matter what the weather having a great time with my mates

that's pretty much it right there!

but i alsways remember:

1. the day i got my 1 and only BMX for christmas
2. my mates blue and yellow Tuff burner
3. my mates lovely white DP Freestyler
4. Bowes Lion skate park in Stevenage and seeing Mason ride on his Gen 1
5. riding miles to Knebworth skate park and sneaking in round the back  :daumenhoch:

Is that where your from then Rob? I used to ride at Knebworth also, my mum and dad used to go shopping and drop me off to ride. We used to live in Hertford so not too far away  ;)


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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2010, 03:00 PM »
:) Seeing TC and Matt Bain sprinting across Harrow skatepark and airing over the fence out of the snake run..

 :smitten:  :smitten:  :smitten:  :smitten:  :smitten:

i posted some photos of TC a couple of years ago

tuffs, pads, plates such a bmx memory


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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2010, 03:11 PM »
Biggest Memories deffo E.T. - The cinema in newcastle had a full kuwi E.T. in the foyer too,Meeting Dominguez,Haro,Fiola,Rupe,Miranda,Leary,Greg Hill plus many more at the kellogs and wagging a day off school to go there,Picking up my 1st full chromo BMX Aero Pro £210 Cash from Toms Cycles in Byker,Winning my 1 and only trophy at eldon square,Sid Salisbury giving me his kellogs Zoom number plate and always posting me loads of freebies.... :)

Happy Days !
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 03:19 PM by sweetbeats™ »

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2010, 03:42 PM »
Stacking it and getting a huge black eye from my bar end and feeling happy i replaced the worn out grips with popped out ends the day before

Dennis McCoy giving me his cap at the 88 Tizer Worlds in Manchester and signing it for me (need to dig that out me moms loft  :-\)

Pulling my first decent trick - a boomerang when i was 13 after the older riders (Jase Hewitt in particular) told me not to come back and ride with them till i could  ???

and loads and loads more ... my whole youth was spent on my bike .. glad to be a part of it again  :)


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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2010, 04:31 PM »
Cruising round on my mates Rebel race bike in the summer of '85  :coolsmiley:

Finally deciding on a Redline 500a for my xmas '85 present only for my ma and pa to pull the plug due to an impending house move.  I never did get it, and ended up with a Raleigh Equippe racer for xmas '86  :(

My mate having a coaster brake on his bike and me and my bro never having seen anything like it before  ???

An older kid from the local estate having a chrome Ammaco Freestyler in '85.  First twin top tube bike I ever saw (in the flesh)  :smitten:

My bro, a mate and me planning to pinch the local estates quarter pipe by carrying it over our heads on our bikes back to my garden (they owed us, one of the lads had previously nicked my Ketcar go-cart).  Getting there and realising it aint going nowhere ;D

Just reading a couple of dog eared copies of BMX Action over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over (repeat to fade...) :buck2:

Seeing my first ever Aeroyal seat and thinking it had just landed from the future, it looked soooo modern :LolLolLolLol:

Getting back into BMX in the mid 90's and ending up with a TA and a Silver Streak (and something else I cant remember what it was) without really realising what they were :bondage:

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2010, 05:28 PM »
Going to Harrow skate park most weekends with Quadrophenia Pete and then getting back home on Saturday to watch Fraggle Rock after ridding all day, going to Alpine Action or Surrey Skate Boards to spend your hard earned cash on new parts for your bike, them were the days :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 05:31 PM by BUBBS »

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2010, 05:44 PM »
Going to rad city and getting lavinder skyway ta stickers for my white burner. Also buying my first ever set of tuff 2's (plastic hubbed lavenders) from the Basildon branch of halfords :smitten:. I lied through my bloody back teeth telling everyone it was a Ta, and in my head it was, and thats all that mattered.

Si. :)

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2010, 06:41 PM »

nice thread Matt!

my 2p

• The First Time - getting to ride a white Redline MX-II in 1981 that an older boy had at school when my folks thought BMX was daft and designed to rob us all of cash...
• then getting my first chrome 'supermarket special' BMX after a year of whinging about the blooming 10spd they bought me... bless 'em
• jumping it off a makeshift ramp & crashing for the first time was just awesome!
• bunnyhops & endos - is there anything better? (yes - making the monster doubles in front of a grandstand...)
• riding a BMX track for the first time
• swinging my leg over my first Kuwahara after trading in my supermarket bike I got for Christmas
• winning my first trophy (still got em all)
• getting third against Monte Grey as a Novice racing against USA Hutch touring team & beating all the Experts
• getting enough podiums to finally go to 13 Expert class & feel like a 'real' racer (but then turned 14...)
• bagging my first National trophy and then making National top 10 for the year
• pulling a one-hander-no-footer and not destroying the bruised nads...

Best of all
• touring the country with my family to go racing
• Riding - everywhere, everyday with anyone who wanted to, with no care in the world cos it was always summer...
• having 150 odd kids on BMX bikes riding our trails down the street - jumping, crashing and bleeding for real
• all those times I thought I wasn't going to "make it" - but did!


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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2010, 07:06 PM »
1980s going to hendersons to drool  :4_17_5:over the bikes, geting a second hand quadangle.
1990s riding great ayton trails till the sun goes down.
2000s nights at the pool and mk06.

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2010, 07:15 PM »
I seem to remember all my crashes rather than best memories  :LolLolLolLol:

Probably the best for me was seeing Gary Llewellyn Jumping the dollies at Poole, it was just incredible to see someone flying so high and far. It was the Dr Pepper championship if i remember correctly and i have a photo of it somewhere.

Anyone want to see it ???????????
One build a year, the only way to get it right. No rushing involved.

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2010, 07:28 PM »
yes mate, love old pics  :daumenhoch:
I seem to remember all my crashes rather than best memories  :LolLolLolLol:

Probably the best for me was seeing Gary Llewellyn Jumping the dollies at Poole, it was just incredible to see someone flying so high and far. It was the Dr Pepper championship if i remember correctly and i have a photo of it somewhere.

Anyone want to see it ???????????

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2010, 07:30 PM »

yes mate, love old pics  :daumenhoch:

Oh alright, any excuse to show this picture  :LolLolLolLol:

I give to you Mr Gary Llewellyn.

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2010, 07:46 PM »
used to spend all my spare daytime (weather permitting :2funny:) at phils flyers church street track hartlepool, them few years were one fookin awesome oldschool memory

Me on the left with david sylvian hair :LolLolLolLol:,

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2010, 07:47 PM »
Watching bmx beat
The kids opposite all getting blue and yellow Burners
My friend getting a red "Super Tracker" lol but hey it was still a BMX and i didn't have one yet!
finally getting a BMX
making ramps with wood and bricks
"Swopping" bikes...making my friends ride my girly bike while i rode their BMX whilst "playing out"


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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2010, 08:06 PM »
Gaz i love them pictures mate, love them....also the glue bags in the shelter in the middle of the track  :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: Best memories of BMX BITD
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2010, 07:48 AM »
Gaz i love them pictures mate, love them....also the glue bags in the shelter in the middle of the track  :LolLolLolLol:

 :LolLolLolLol: i was gonna try n get a 2000 version of that pic when we both got back into it again, but it just never happened unfortunately :( thought that would have been cool.  was a great track, only 2 good jumps on it, table n whoops but both were awesome :daumenhoch:

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